jueves, 22 de mayo de 2008

Joshua Pfeiffer Interview

Joshua Pfeiffer (Game musician) just had a great interview on a local radio show and he mentioned the game too! If you want to know more about the talented mind behind SoV's sound, be sure to give it a listen here:


And be sure to visit his multimedia project site here:

1 comentario:

Proxy 23 dijo...

Hi, sorry for posting this here but I can't find a way to answer your post on The city of Dis :)
We keep on meeting, I am also one of the 2 responsible for the Black Rainbow project on myspace :D
thanks for the comment on "what's post punk" That goth is a subgenre of Post Punk it's something I have always thought but nobody had given me any support on this :P
In UK, until some years ago there was NO knowledge on postpunk, sadly they nevr considered it as a bigger family.Also, as I said in a previous blog entry many bands changed with the years and besed on personal/political/social changes they had become more or less political, more or less Arty than others :)
thanks for post-punk.com it's a great source of information :)